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Acupressure Points we should avoid during Prenatal Massage

Writer's picture: Heng MaHeng Ma

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

Prenatal Massage helps alleviate that stress so mom feels more comfortable during pregnancy. Prenatal massage gives mom time for self-care during pregnancy. Carrying and growing a baby requires a lot of energy! Take time to receive emotional and physical support with a nurturing and therapeutic touch.

There are a few acupressure points we should avoid before 38-week pregnancy, when we receive prenatal massage therapy or acupuncture treatments.

The first prohibited acupressure point is Spleen6 (SP 6), which is one the lower leg on the inside, above the ankle. This point can speed up labor.

Spleen 6


Chinese Name: Sanyinjiao (English translation: Three Yin Intersection)

Location: On the medial aspect of the lower leg, 3 cun above the medial malleolus, on the posterior border of the medial aspect of the tibia.

Classification: Crossing point of the Spleen, Kidney and Liver Meridians.


  • Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, leukorrhea, amenorrhea, mass and gathering in the abdomen, prolapse of uterus, dystocia, postpartum faintness, persistent lochia, infertility, nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, impotence, premature ejaculation, pain in the penis, hernia, testicular atrophy

  • Enuresis, anuria, edema, dysuria

  • Spleen and Stomach deficiency, borborygmus, abdominal distention, diarrhea, paralysis of the foot, beriberi, muscular pain

  • Diseases of the skin, urticaria

  • Insomnia, headache, dizziness, bilateral hypochondriac pain

Functions: Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach, resolves dampness, harmonizes the Liver, strengthens the Kidneys, nourishes Blood and Yin, regulates menstruation, cools and invigorates the Blood, benefits urination, calms the Shen.

Notes: SP 6 is one of the most commonly used points and one of the most versatile. Because the point crosses the Spleen, Kidney and Liver meridians, it can treat many conditions associated with all three organs. It's an important point in the treatment of any digestive, gynecological and emotional condition.

The next is Large Intestine 4 (LI 4), which is in the webbing of the hand between the thumb and index finger (both hands). This point also encourages contractions.

Large Intestine LI 4

Chinese Name: Hegu (English translation: Joining Valley)

Location: On the dorsum of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone on the radial side.

Classification: Yuan-Source point of the Large Intestine Meridian

Command Point of the head and face


  • Diseases of the head and face: i.e. external pathogenic headache and body ache, dizziness, congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, nasosinusitis, epistaxis (nosebleed), toothache in the lower jaw, trismus (lockjaw), deafness, mumps, swelling of the face, facial paralysis, facial tic, swelling of the pharynx and aphonia (inability to speak).

  • Aversion to cold, fever, febrile disease, anhidrosis (no sweating), hidrosis.

  • Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, dystocia (difficult or abnormal labor/childbirth).

  • Gastric pain, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery.

  • Hemiplegia, finger spasm, pain in the arm, infantile convulsion, manic psychosis and irritability.

  • Malignant sore, urticaria, scabies.

  • Every type of pain and psychogenic tense.

  • Use in conjunction with LIV 3 (the Four Gates) to strongly move the qi and blood in the body to remove stagnation and alleviate pain.

Functions: Expels Wind and releases the exterior, tonifies qi and strengthens immunity, stops pain, regulates the face and head area, induces labor.

Notes: LI 4 is a very common and useful point. It is useful for any condition related to the face and head. It's also particularly useful for Wind-Heat conditions (flu). Finally, LI 4 is known as the pain point in the body. Anywhere there is pain, use LI 4.

Some sources indicate that Gall Bladder 21 (GB 21), Urinary Bladder 31 and 32 (BL 31 and BL 32) and Urinary Bladder 60 (BL 60) should be avoided.

Gall Bladder 21

Chinese Name: Jianjing (English translation: Shoulder Well)

Location: On the shoulder, directly above the nipple, at the midpoint of the line connecting DU 14 and the acromion.

Classification: Crossing Point on the Gall Bladder, San Jiao and Stomach Meridians and the Yang Wei Vessel


  • Mastitis, insufficient lactation

  • Dizziness, headache, rigidity and pain of the neck, limitation of the upper extremities

  • Difficult labor, scrofula

Functions: Activates the meridian, descends Qi, promotes labor, benefits the breasts, resolves Phlegm.

Urinary Bladder 31

Chinese Name: Shangliao (English translation: Upper Crevice)

Location: In the region of the sacrum, between the posterior superior iliac spine and the midline of the back, in the 1st sacral foramen.


  • Irregular menstruation, bloody leukorrhea, prolapse of the uterus

  • Spermatorrhea, impotence

  • Constipation, dysuria, lumbosacral pain

Functions: Regulates the Lower Jiao, regulates menstruation, benefits urination, benefits the lumbar area and legs.

Urinary Bladder 32

Chinese Name: Ciliao (English translation: Second Crevice)

Location: In the region of the sacrum, medial and inferior to the posterior superior iliac spine, in the 2nd sacral foramen.


  • Spermatorrhea, impotence

  • Irregular menstruation, bloody leukorrhea

  • Lumbosacral pain, pain, weakness, and numbness of the lower extremities

Functions: Regulates the Lower Jiao, regulates menstruation, benefits urination, benefits the lumbar area and legs.

Urinary Bladder 60

Chinese Name: Kunlun (English translation: Kunlun Mountains)

Location: On the foot, behind the external malleolus, in the depression between the tip of the external malleolus and tendon calcaneus.

Classification: Jing-River point of the Urinary Bladder Meridian


  • Acute lumbar pain, swelling, and pain of the heel

  • Difficult labor

  • Headache, neck stiffness, dizziness, epistaxis

  • Infantile convulsion

Functions: Expels Wind, clears Heat, relaxes the sinews, removes obstructions from the meridian, promotes labor.

Notes: UB 60 is an important point to help ease difficult labor. Jing-River points are where the qi of the meridian begins to flow more heavily. They are known to treat cough and asthma due to pathogenic cold or heat.

You are avoiding acupressure points that specially stimulate the uterus, ovaries, and downward flow of energy. After 38-week pregnancy, these points can be used to help initiate contractions when labor is imminent and desirable.

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